Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trey Songz - Infidelity

Ever wanted something back that u falling victim to this feeling....its the worst but in my sit uation what makes it worst is we both were wrong and we both are stubborn this happend years ago but its finally hitting me that i cant get it back...... the lesson of the day dont say things you dont mean cause some things cant be fixed or undone you dont want to have to live with something u didnt mean or mean to happen.... #thatisall

Monday, September 20, 2010


They aren't meant for anything they are mearly words bonded by a special declartion this  is "I promise" it is an assurance and a chance all at the same time because no one is perfect therefore your promise is only as likely to happen as you make it.....promises are nothing more than expectations from one person to another person but just cause u expect it dosent mean it will happen this is the definiton by Promise: 
A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow
b. Something promised.
2. Indication of something favorable to come; expectation.... after looking at the direct meaning of it i feel like its pointless to make them just show it threw your action because promise is just that another word in the dictonary......

Check Out My Artist Cash

yall check him out he is dope


Told Myself I wasnt gonna blog about this but i figured hell why not...I wasnt recently let go by one of my Artists that I worked with....and It was basically out of nowhere...I worked some new projects he was on and i guess it wasnt enough I understand the Industry we are in everything is about business moves But i cant help but feel used he was my friend and i feel liked i was working my ass off but that niether here nor there I got love for him cause i want him to do good he is a great artist and I expect very good things from him in the future.......i jusgt basically want to talk about this for people to understand two things in life nothing is for certain and u have to roll with the one owes you anything....u gotta keep pushing...never quit and keep god in your heart.....

I mean its all gravy

People make mistakes this just happen to be one u dont do go up against lil duval wooow smh really shoulda just walked away leave that nigga alone lol